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Welcome to Ravi Mistry's Portfolio website!

Ravi Mistry is a 25-year-old Junior Graphic Designer based in Leicester, United Kingdom. He discovered his passion for Graphic Design while observing his older sister work on her GCSEs and A-Levels projects. Over the years, Ravi has developed his skills in various aspects of Graphic Design, including Branding, Logo Design, Physical Design Material, Pattern Design, Poster Design, Typography, and Photography.

In 2021, Ravi graduated from De Montfort University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design. During his time at university, he had the opportunity to work on a range of design projects and collaborate with other students. Additionally, Ravi has worked for Seed Creativity, a creative design agency, and Bluebat, a technology charging device company.

In addition to his design skills, Ravi also possesses strong interpersonal skills, including working well in teams and as an individual, time management, problem-solving, and IT skills. Ravi's adaptability and positive attitude make him a valuable asset to any team.

Outside of his design work, Ravi enjoys various hobbies, such as gaming, watching movies and TV shows, writing stories, and cooking dishes like fried chicken, pasta, Chinese food, and Indian food.

This website showcases his projects, providing a glimpse into his design process and style. Feel free to contact Ravi through his website if you have any inquiries or would like to work with him.

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